Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Are We Committing the Sin of Blasphemy Without Even Realizing It?

I am learning so much lately.  Not only because I now work for a Christian Book Store - which means  I am surrounded by inspiring books all day...but also by getting active in my church.  I have learned that the Holy Spirit speaks to you when you not only listen to His word, but "study" His word, by actually "opening" the bible...reading...praying.   I am becoming a new person and have found myself questioning a lot of what I have been doing for the past, oh....say, 40 years!

One of the people I really enjoy to listen to and watch, is Kirk Cameron.  Of course, I first noticed him when he was on Growing Pains, but now he is an Evangelical Christian.  I watched him on youtube "The Way of the Master"... (click on the link below, to see one of these videos)


This made me look at myself closer.  Wow, how many times have I tried to show shock at something and said:

  "oh my God!" or "Jesus!"

... that is taking the name of the Lord in vain.
Was I meaning it to be "against God" ...purposely committing blasphemy? No....but that doesn't change the fact that it is just that:  Blasphemy. 

Of course, I'm not the only one....I hear this all the time...all the time!  Even on television, on the movies.  It's common now.  Whoa!  What has happened to us?  My grandmother would've washed my mouth out with soap.  Shame on me....but now I know.
I think a lot of us here in America, me included, have decided to live with what the world has decided is right, and not what the bible has outlined. I know I must read the bible, daily. Read, actually open up my Bible.  Read it. Daily. Daily, to keep me on the narrow path.  I do not want to be a "blasphemer"....that is a word, right?  One who commits blasphemy.  Yes. 

It is in Matthew 12:31-32
and also in Mark 3:28-30 Jesus said:  "Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin. " He said this because they were saying "He has an impure spirit."

The definition of Blasphemy from Wikipedia:
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

Holman Bible Dictionary


is a transliteration of a Greek word meaning literally “to speak harm.” In the biblical context, blasphemy is an attitude of disrespect that finds expression in an act directed against the character of God.
I plan on never making that terrible mistake again, of taking the Lord's name in vain.  Will you join me?
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You...
Keep Calm and Kerri On!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I heard the same thing years ago and am trying to instill it in my children :-)
