Thursday, March 20, 2014

UPCYCLE a Lunch Box into a Purse

 I found another lunch box at an estate sale....
 only $3!
 After sanding it,
 I wrapped the handle and other hardware in foil and tape,
to protect them from the paint,
and then I primed the lunch box with Rustolium.
 I chose my color: "Lipstick Red" by FolkArt craft paints.
 After brushing on three light coats (sanding in between)
I noticed how many "imperfections" there were in the lunch box,
instead of trying to work against them, I just went with it,
lightly sanding after the final coat, to bring out a "worn" look.
After all, it is probably 40+ years old.
 Taking it ourside, I sprayed three coats of a satin clear coat.
(Being sure to let it dry completely before each coat.)
 I took off the foil and tape on the hardware by using tweezers,
then cleaned up around them with Q-tips dipped in polish remover.
 All done, except for the embelishments!
There are several ways to decorate my new purse:
with jewelry (such as the necklace above), wrapped around the handle;
 magnets (like my vintage button ones I made a few years ago);
 silk flowers, or vintage pins;
 scarves or scraps of material.
 There's plenty of room for my necessities!
Now I have two LUNCH BOX purses!
What will you UPCYCLE?

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