Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can We Really Have Fruit Trees in our Little Back Yard?

We live in Northeast Oklahoma and have a very small, rocky back yard.
It's split into two levels, the back yard where our grass and flower gardens are...
and then it slopes down another 10 yards to a Native Plant area that leads to a neighborhood creek.
This is from the Lower Level.
A few summers ago, this is the west side of our back yard....
The rock stairs leading to the lower level...
This picture was taken "standing" in the east side of the yard....
Notice the old Apple Tree holding the hose.
The Spring of 2013 has taken a while to get here, in fact, possible freezing temperatures are expected tonight.  We planted our two trees within the last 2 weeks - unknowing of the future weather.
But that's what you get when you live in Oklahoma.
We checked with our local "Garden Man" and discovered we can grow apple trees in our area (hence the one that died a couple years ago shown in the picture)...but we may want to consider Semi-Dwarf Apple Trees, and TWO of them, so they can be cross pollinated.
Cross Pollination:

fertilization by transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another (by bees).

So, we purchased a Liberty Apple tree from Lowe's for $19.98...
and my husband read up on how to plant it, picked a spot on the west side of the backyard...
And filled it in....then we had to keep the dogs away from it....
They thought it needed a "pee" watering and a good chewing....
bad dogs!
Two weeks later...
It's blooming!
We found a Golden Delicious tree, which is a good pollinator for the Liberty.
We bought it last week, and Gary planted it...
on the east side of the back yard.
Low and behold, it's blooming!  Yay!
Now, we're praying for warm temperatures,
so not only our apple trees will grow,
but so will the GRASS and other plants.
I will be posting more pics of the apple trees as the spring and summer progress.
Keep Calm and Kerri On!


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