Sunday, December 23, 2012


I was going to wait until after I received my results for my biopsy (which was performed yesterday) before posting anything about my breast lump and cancer.  I should be getting a call the day after Christmas, but I thought "why wait?"  My emotions are very raw right now, and this is what I am feeling right now.  I do not know if I have breast cancer or not.

Two of my sisters are breast cancer survivors.  What is odd, is they found within a month of each other, and they are 10 years apart in age.  That was 2 1/2 years ago and I am very happy to say they are both doing well, now.  My eldest sister had to have a mastectomy and chemo, my other sister, a lumpectomy and radiation.  Quite a struggle for both of them.

I thought I found a lump in "Thelma" (my left breast) last month.  Upon receiving my call, the doctors office did not follow protocol and order me an urgent mamogram, but scheduled me two weeks later for a normal mammogram.  Upon explaining the lump to the tech performing the mam, she told me it should have been urgently handled, but "oh well" what can you do?  Next time - hopefully there won't be a next time - I will DEMAND it being handled better.  YOU have to be your own advocate.

Anyway, after the mamogram, I was notifed that indeed I had suspitious lump, but it was in "Louise", not my right breast was the problem.  I thought the mamogram was wrong, but they were right.  It was almost like a little angel had me think I felt one in the left breast, just to get me in for my mamogram....blessing in disguise.

I then had a diagnostic mamogram - smaller paddles to locate the lump.  As well as an ultra sound.  No pain - Yay!  The radiologist came in right away and gave me the news I needed to have a biopsy.

I hate pain - I mean, hate.  I am a wimp!  You would think after giving birth three times - 2 natural (no meds) and one, c-section, I could handle pain, but no....I flaked out.  Cried. Bawled.

I called my sisters as well as googled "breast lump biopsy" to see what to expect.  There are several ways to biopsy.  I did not have a clue which way I would be handled.  I was a mess, but after praying, I knew I was in God's hands and he had everything under contol.  My husband - God bless him, came with me yesterday to the doctor.

He examined my films and felt the lump himself.  And explained the best way to handle it would be local anesthesia (through small needles and multiple shots in the breast to numb me) and go in that way.  I pulled my "big girl panties" up, and told Louise we could handle it, and, after taking a Lorezopam - my panic pill, we did just fine.  The first needle could hardly be felt, just a little sting - truthfully, it was not bad at all.  After that, each needle became less noticeable.  I just felt a sense of poking and prodding, my husband said the whole proceedure lasted about 25 minutes.  The showed me the samples in a bottle - they just looked like long stringy things about a 1/2 inch long.  I was able to go home with an ice pack right away, took some Tylenol and have been just a little sore since. 

Now, since my biopsy was not only on a Friday, but right before the Christmas holiday, they will not have my results until probably Wednesday.  Most of the time, tho, they have the results within 24 hours.

Now, time, to wait.

1 comment:

  1. About time you have a blog ! I will be praying for results that are of no worry. Can't wait to read more on your blog. Love you friend !!!
