Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolution #1: Get Organized

As an artist I am very creative, but very messy. As my Nana Ruby used to say "Creative people are rarely tidy." I am a prime example. That is not to say that I do not want to be organized. I find I am more relaxed and happy in a neat and tidy atmosphere. So one of my New Year's resolutions is to not only organize, but downsize. I plan to sort, donate and get rid of the extra stuff in my life that I really don't need. Then to find easy, inexpensive ways to organize the items I choose to keep.

Details and pictures to come of each space I "overhaul". (Since I posted it, that means I have to do it - oh, boy!)


  1. The good thing about organizing spaces is in those times when the tidiness slips away, you will already have a dedicated place to put things back and you don't really have to reorganize every time!

  2. Yes Liesa - now is my "test" time - to see if I can keep everything organized. With dedicated spaces it should be easier!
